17 March, World Maritime Day


The Santanderina Group wants to contribute to World Maritime Day by raising awareness of
the need for respect for the environment and, specifically, the marine ecosystem.

To do this, it is offering all members of the group information on the sustainability values
upheld and supported by the Santanderina Group in various ways.

Internally, on 17 March, all workers at Textil Santanderina, Techs and SU&PER will be given
a t-shirt made with SEAQUAL INITIATIVE fibres. Textil Santanderina is part of this project
which manufactures high-quality yarn and fabric from upcycled plastic waste recovered from
the sea, contributing to regenerating the ocean, preserving natural resources and reducing the
environmental impact of waste. They will also be given a sports drinking bottle as an example
of the Santanderina Group’s involvement with sport and healthy living habits in an
environment and a community that appreciates values of respect for nature and for health.