R&D projects

MES for the spinning section and yarn wharehouse beaconing

Strategic objectives of the project:
-Real time traceability by OF and machine
-Real time laboratory analysis traceability
-Real time machine monitoring
(production, consumption, breakdowns…)
-Real time facilities monitoring
(temperature, humidity, production flux…)
-Traceability in the opening of raw material and palletizing of the finished product
-Warehouse digitalization


Artificial Vision based on Deep Learning for quality inspection and defects recognition.

Improvement of the energetic eficiency and resources managing

Improvement of the energetic efficiency and resources managing in yarn dyeing. Cofunded by the Institute for the Energetic Diversification (IDAE, Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition).

Sustainability plan for improving the energetic efficiency

Sustainability plan for improving the energetic efficiency in Santanderina. Change on the energy production systems with an average reduction of equivalent emissions of 12.000 TeqCO2 per year, based on a decline in gas consumption over 70% (and an energy demand reduction over 35 GWh per year).
It has been one of the 30 Industrial projects selected by the Spanish Ministry of Industry within the competitive call “Ayudas y subvenciones I+S en el ámbito de la industria manufacturera 2021”.

Installation of the 4th
phase of our photovoltaic plant

Installation of the 4th phase of our photovoltaic plant (394 kW) cofunded by the Institute for the Energetic Diversification (IDAE, Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition) through the competitive call “Actuaciones en instalaciones fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo”. It has led to a reduction of greenhouse gases emissions over 400 TeqCO2 per year.
Currently, we produce in our roofs 806 kW of photovoltaic energy in Textil Santanderina (Cabezón de la Sal, Spain).

Pilot plant for fiber detection and capture

Development of a pilot plant for fiber detection and capture by using optical sensors and regenerative filters.

Improvement of heat exchanger and monitoring of water consumption

Improvement of heat exchanger and monitoring of water consumption.
Improvement of heat Exchange in fabric preparation (mercerizing, bleaching, desizing) and setting up of digital flowmeters for monitoring and real time environmental impact assessing.


Fiberproof is focused on bringing to market a new range of fabrics resistant to fibrillation (one of the most influential factors in the loss of quality of garments once they reach the consumer). In parallel, fiberproof developments will achieve a reduction in the consumption of resources needed to manufacture those fabrics. This will allow products to be launched on the market with higher quality and lower cost, leading to significant savings in water consumption, energy, CO2 and time.

Industrial Investment Project

This project addresses a set of investments in several parts of the production chain of spinning and weaving, which will represent an improvement in the energy efficiency of the company, reducing the total energy consumption of the process in 103,47 tep/year.


More than 80% of marine debris is microplastic (word of the year 2018 in spain). These particles accumulate in marine habitats, where this type of pollution extends from the coasts to the deepest waters seriously damaging the marine fauna.

FIBERCLEAN™ is an R&D+i project led by Textil Santanderina that aims to reduce the emission of microfibers through the manufacturing and the life cycle of fabrics and garments. The project gathers manufacturers of filaments, yarns and fabrics; manufacturers of auxiliaries for textiles and washing, manufacturers of washing machines and detectors, and wastewater managing companies, closing the loop of the textile chain. In addition, we collaborate with two textile technology centers and a university to evaluate the results.


SIMCA Project consists of a development of a remote monitoring and control system in real time for chemical and synthetic fibers, pioneer in the textile sector. It is based on a deeper analysis of the production process, combining intra and inter-company analysis in real time. Thus, increasing quality and allowing a global reduction of defects.


RADIOPROTECH develops new shielding fabrics against Ionizing Radiation, such as high power radiative sources (X-rays, Gamma and neutron radiation).

The new fabrics have to fulfil requirements of breathability, water repellency and ignifugation, as well as Ionizing Radiation shielding. The potential uses of these fabrics as PPE are nuclear energy plants, nuclear waste management and medical environment exposed to radiative sources.

RADIOPROTECHS is cofunded by the Regional Ministry of Industry and Innovation, through the convening INNOVA 2018; Ref. 2018/INN/37.

Activated carbon

The project analyzes alternatives for spinning and weaving waste to manufacture activated carbon. The project is aligned with our objectives of sustainability, environment and circular economy.

Activated carbon is a material in very fine powder form with a great capacity of selective adsorption of substances. Its applications range from water purification to environmental decontamination or protection of people exposed to chemicals.


This is a highly luminous technical fabric which maintains its high-visibility properties after 30 washes and which also shows long-lasting phosphorescence. It is the result of a research project carried out together with the University of Cantabria. The research project was cofunded by the Regional Ministry of Industry and Innovation, through the convening INNOVA (INNPULSA 2012-2015). Ref. 2014/INN/013.

FIELD (Fabric Improved Against Electrostatic Discharge)

FIELD (Fabric Improved against ELectrostatic Discharge) is a R&D project that will allow Techs to obtain new antistatic fabrics (ESD) and electrically conductive fabrics for both Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and technical applications.

Techstatic is an antistatic fabric resulting from an R&D project with 98% recycled polyester in its manufacturing and resistance to 30 industrial washes, making it far superior to the competition.


GRAFENTEX National Project cofunded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through the convening Challenges – Collaboration 2013-2016. CTC and Textil Santanderina take part in an innovation project based on the optimisation of graphene production and its application in the fire resistant technical textile. The project, named GRAFENTEX, will allow to produce fire resistant textiles with a low environmental impact and high performance to Textil Santanderina, and will reinforce the european leadership of the company of Cantabria in the technical textile sector.


The main aim of the project is to study and validate an innovative Integrated Solution for Warehouse Control and Asset Marking. Development and pilot validation of advanced internal logistics localisation solutions for integrated textile manufacturing processes.

Industrial investment project

Industrial investment project 2014-2015 for the optimization and promotion of competitiveness.

Seaqual Initiative

Project to manufacture recycled polyester from waste taken from the sea.